About T&S Bee Farm
T&S Bee Farm is built on the principles of producing quality hive products, educational beekeeping products and providing reliable service.
Hi, I'm Thom Carey. In 2006 was working frelance in television production, shooting news, sports, and corporate training videos, in Detroit, Michigan. My wife, Sheryl was in the Air Force Reserves, all was good. Then my wife's military mission and location changed, which facilitated our move to rural South Georgia. Now living on a small farm, I could do the one thing I always wanted to do, keep Honey Bees.
I started out like most beginner beekeepers - I bought a book or two, hive furniture, and some package bees. I read more books a lot more books, watched every beekeeping how to video and DVD I could find and took beekeeping classes and worked with other beekeepers. After a few more packages of bees, things started to get real fun. We made increases year after year. Joined a local bee club and started working with new beekeepers helping them avoid the pitfalls I encountered as a new beekeeper.
After much encouragement from my wife and new beekeepers I have been mentoring, we developed the "My Hive Tool" DVD. With 4 hours of Beekeeping instruction, this program will get you started successfully keeping Honey Bees, your first season.
Our beekeeping education DVD series continues to grow by listening to the customers, improving our standards, and following a systematic approach to beekeeping Education.
We apply the same systematic approach to beekeeping. We use natural biologic or soft chemicals for pest and disease control when possible. We resort to the use of harder chemical treatments when it is in the bees best interest.