8 tips to become a beekeeper

Principle based Beekeeping

Beekeeping Equipment

These eight tips gathered from "My Hive Tool" A Comprehensive guide to beekeeping will get you off in the right direction. These eight tips gathered from "My Hive Tool" will start you off in the right direction.

1. Use New Equipment
Used equipment can be cheap or free, but it also may have problems that a beginner won't recognize or be able to fix. Start fresh with new supers and new frames. You will save yourself unnecessary headaches.

2. Start Early In the Season
Order your packages or Nucs as soon as producers are taking orders. Have your apiaries and hive equipment ready.

3. Keep It Simple
When you start, just focus on learning the fundamentals of beekeeping. Don't experiment. Stick tried and true methods until you have established a good understanding of bee biology.

4. Check Your "Must Have" List Twice
Before you order anything, make sure you need it. Beekeeping is full of gadgets. You can spend a small fortune buying things you don't need. Keep your initial purchases to the basics. You will need hive furniture, bees, a smoker, and a veil.

5. Start With Italian Bees
Italian type bees are common in the United States. They are generally calm on the comb, gentle and easy to work. They build up well in the spring and winter well.

6. Start With a Nuc
Starting with a nucleus colony gives you a head start. A Nuc is a balanced hive with eggs larvae capped brood and a laying queen. Nucs are the easiest way to start. Packages give you the chance to watch a colony grows, which will teach you a lot about bees.

7. Consider Starting with Four Hives
The more hive you have, the easier things are. This may seem counterintuitive since more colonies should be more work. Four colonies will give you two things: the chance to compare hives, which will help you spot problems earlier because you'll see differences. , More hives mean more resources. If a hive needs help, you can take resources from other hives, which is common practice with beekeepers.

8. Don't Expect Honey the First Year
Depending on your location and the weather, your new colony of bees may not produce a surplus honey crop their first year. You should be prepared to feed your new colonies.

9. Bonus Tip
Follow step by step with "My Hive Tool" a comprehensive guide to beekeeping explains how to become a beekeeper in a simple, direct hands-on approach. "My Hive Tool" a comprehensive guide to beekeeping will teach you the fundamental beekeeping techniques you need to start beekeeping with confidence

Do what is best for your bees order you copy of "My Hive Tool" a comprehensive guide to beekeeping Today.

Why Keep Bees

Bees are Fun

Honey bees are one of the most efficient pollinators in the world. Honey bees are responsible for over one-third of all the food we eat. They are also the only insect that processes food (Honey) that humans eat.

1. Your garden will thank you. Pollination by your honey bees will help flowers, fruits and vegetables thrive.

2. Beekeeping is a fascinating pastime and is a wonderful way to spend time with your family learning about nature.

3. Of course, there's the honey. Bees also produce wax and more bees. Honey Wax and Bees are all product of the hive.

4. You will meet new people and make new friends when you talk about your bees and attend your local bee club meetings.

There are some things you need to know before starting a hive, "My Hive Tool" a comprehensive guide to beekeeping will guide your steps to becoming a successful beekeeper!